Online Photography Courses

by Nick Carver


Here is just a small sampling of all the great things students are saying about learning photography with Nick Carver

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just completed the course. Well I have been shooting film mostly color/slide with some B/W since the 70's, and had mixed results. But credit where credit is due what a brilliant well presented and no bull sh*t course you put together. It all makes sense now...Just did some tests with both my Pentax and Reveni with my Nikon Z611 and the shots came out perfectly exposed with both. I am now confident to try my large format 4x5 and 6x17 using color/slide film with this method. ...Thanks very much for teaching an old dog new tricks.


Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just finished going through the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography course. I feel so grateful having watched it! Invaluable information. Such beautifully clear explanations. I'm super excited to try out what I learnt! Thanks so much!


Regarding the Large Format Photography and Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online courses:

Yesterday I purchased two of your courses - the manual metering and the large format photography ones. I have already finished the metering course and I just wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for your work.

Pretty much all of my photography is on film and I have extensively studied metering and film photography in general. I have read pretty much everything I could get my hands on, including the three Ansel Adams books and I believe I have a pretty solid understanding of the zone system and how metering works. However, I never truly felt comfortable with metering and I kept trying to come up with a consistent approach.

After watching your metering course I honestly believe I understand metering vastly better than before. And not only that, the course actually brought back my inspiration for just going out and shooting, so I did just that and I can’t wait to develop my roll tomorrow and see how I’ve done.

Thank you for all the knowledge you’ve shared and thank you for inspiring me to shoot more and more.

Ivo V.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I can’t put into words how much I appreciate the information that you have given me. This is the best $200 I have spent on my photography journey! Thank you once again!!!

Joey A.

Regarding the Large Format Photography and Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online courses:

Thank you for building your course the way you did. Simply put, it is packed full of valuable information and honest guidance without the waffle...I loved everything and am finding myself returning to various sections to recap.

I’ve re-learned so much of what I’ve forgotten, and the course was so easy to follow with the fun factor.

William S.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

Just wanted to say that I'm enjoying the LF videos. Some things are totally new, some are things I've practiced or discovered myself that I had no description for. Thanks for putting it into words and good graphics. I'll also be checking out the metering lessons.

William S.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

So far I am GLUED to the material. Excellent...I have read the Ansel Adams books, and other LF books, but this is so much easier to understand...thanks for your effort and time taken to develop this course.

Charles K.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

Just finished watching the Large Format Course…great stuff! I admit, I was a little worried in the beginning as I felt like I had already learned the material by reading Adams’ books and various YouTubing… but was PLEASANTLY SURPRISED by the insights you dished out. The course succeeds in walking the line between theory and practicality, and delivers insights beyond anything else I’ve seen. I’m now confident and excited to get outside and apply these learnings… just in time for fall colours!

Sean B.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

I just want you to know how your courses continue to help me! I just received my Intrepid 4x5 and your course has been a constant reference for me. Your explanations are always in a logical sequence and clear, and the videography is excellent. Money well spent...

Andi A.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

Many thanks for an enjoyable, thorough, course. Very detailed with helpful nuggets scattered throughout. I have had my LF camera a while but never known how to drive it. Thanks to your course I feel a lot more confident. Now where's that award winning image.

Alan E.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I have now taken several images with your PPM method, and I must say in the beginning I was really afraid that the images where all overexposed. Just a feeling I had with the exposure times, they looked way longer than before. Now after several rolls and 4x5, I’m quite happy with the results. I’m blow away every time when I see the results...You have put a lot of work in this course and it shows, it’s great quality I have ever seen.

Patrick M.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

I’ve completed another one of your courses, this time the large format course. And again, thank you for the wealth of information. I feel like I was hardly scratching the surface with my 4x5 camera, now I’m excited to practice some techniques.

Paul L.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Your course explained it all. For the first time I feel I am metering intentionally. It has freed my mind to focus on visualizing my shots. I feel free to go out on any day at any time and shoot without any fear or anxieties. Thank you for your wonderful classes. I am taking the Lightroom class. Looking forward to the large format cameras.

Pascal G.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

I’m working my way through the course and I’ve got to tell you it’s even better than I could have hoped for...Your courses inspire confidence and demystify the subject, letting folk enjoy the art, or craft, or whatever it is. The mixture of intelligible information and enthusiasm that you pump into the video tutorials works just right and makes learning addictive.

Martin S.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

Thanks very much for all the hard work on the has helped me a great deal! My biggest problem was misunderstanding how tilt works, and now I’m able to ( sort of ) visualize the focus plane and how it changes. Also, the section on getting your film plane parallel with the subject for architectural subjects has changed how I approach that situation. I’m ready to put it to use!

Roy S.

Regarding the Large Format Photography online course:

I just finished binge watching your Large Format class and all I can say is WOW and THANK YOU. Though I will be continuly retaking several chapters for months/years to come I now feel comfortable with my 6X17 to run some test rolls through it...Thanks Again and hoping our paths will cross one day.

Kurt L.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome metering course. I went away to shoot a month long project with my Deardorff and every single exposure is great. It was the first time that I'd shot so much and the labs took forever to process my test shots that I'd not seen them before I went on the shoot and had no idea how things would turn out! Anyway turns out I much prefer manual metering, so thank you!

Sarah H.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I needed to tell you how much I enjoyed your Precision Metering Method course! It has helped me out vastly with a bunch of new knowledge and also reinforcing things already known...I laughed as much as I learned. I really appreciated all the extra material you taught, it really helped to build a strong base to work from.

Dennis H.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I've always been one to waste a lot of film bracketing. I almost exclusively meter incident light but totally agree with your assessment of the downsides of incident metering...especially sunrises and sunsets - I bracket like hell and pray, and because I'm always insecure at heart, I end up with rolls of Velvia with 8 out 10 frames being very similar. And that adds up, cost-wise. So your course caught my eye, and I'm ashamed to say: to my surprise, in each and every segment I found something I thought I knew, but didn't. Mostly, I found that I knew all the pieces of the 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, but never quite managed to put them together in the coherent way that you did. Like you I'm baffled at the amount of disinformation on the internet.

But you know those drawings where you see only dots and when you connect them in the right order, an image emerges? That's exactly what you did for me. I knew and understood all the separate elements. I just never connected the dots. You did that. When I got to the segments where you explain your precision method, it was nothing short of an epiphany. So thank you. It's the best $ 199 I spent in a long, long time.

Gerard K.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just wanted to say thanks for putting the master metering course together. It really is a great course, delivered well and in a simple to understand way.

Barrie A.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

To say that I found your course helpful, insightful and entertaining would be an understatement. I found it to be all of those things and more, it was perfectly paced, accessible and a joy to watch. Your technical explanations were clear and precise and your in-the-field examples were excellent and worth the price of admission on their own.

Gerard O.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

So I developed film from my Mamiya C330 using your precision metering method and I actually got negatives I could print without crying! Thank you. It's a great method. I keep going back to different parts of your course when I run into questions I have. Again, what a great course and also your clarity in teaching is exceptional.

Toula T.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just finished your course on metering, and...holy smokes, man, you put together one hell of a course in here; best money I have spent in anything related to photography. Ever. has been a blast going through your course; you manage to be engaging, instructional, and pragmatic at the same time, which makes you a rare bird. It has been eye-opening so, even without the meter, I already see the world around me in a different light (puns not intended)'ve revitalized my passion for this beautiful art, and that alone is priceless.

Ivan S.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just finished your course on metering, and it was excellent. I used film right up until the late 90’s, and using digital has just become too automatic for me… I’ve got an Intrepid 4x5 and a trusty Mamiya RB67, and after seeing the cost of color sheet film, had to have a more precise method of exposure. Your system fit the bill, and I’ve been using it with black and white film until I build up the courage to try 4x5 color photography. Thanks again, and I’m looking forward to the large format course you mentioned, I’ll be first in line to sign up!

Roy S.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

So first I want to say that this course was amazing! I'm one of those people you talked about who got a lot of information off of youtube, etc. Anyway, I need simple and your technique is that…I also appreciate that I can go back to your course and look up certain sections because I know I've forgotten many points.

I just wanted to say thank you. You are a great teacher and you were able to clear up so much of my muddled ideas. It's nice to have all the sections to go to for specific information. Very well organized. I really enjoyed this course.

Toula T.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Once again thank you for your metering technique course. I can’t tell you how much it has improved my photography. I really enjoy the whole process and time I take to properly meter correctly now and that's absolutely down to you.

Joseph T.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I also tried the precision method for the first time last Saturday, there is a photo attached. I metered using the light concrete on the main building and I have to say, it's one of the most accurate exposures I have done so far. Before I was doing exactly what you mentioned in one of your videos, I was always overexposing the shots to be on the safe side, but this time I just used box speed, and yet, the result was great, I'm really happy.

Your course is great by the way, and I like the way you teach, you got a sense of humor when presenting the lectures and that gives the course a lightweight touch, it's worth it every single penny.

Guilherme L.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just wanted to thank you for your amazing course on mastering manual metering for film photography. It's really well done and has enlightened me in ways I would have never imagined. I'm a photography enthusiast and have been shooting for 15 years (digital) / 5 years (film) but I never spent the time to "properly" learn photography. I mostly got away reading blogs, forums, watching tutorials and experimenting but deep down I always felt I was missing something.

When shooting film, I blindly applied the "advice" I read online: meter for the shadows and overexpose your film by 1 stop. I always felt dirty doing that and I'm sure my lab is doing way more work than they let me know...Anyways, I've ordered a Pentax Digital Spotmeter off eBay and I can't wait to put your precision method to practice!

Régis H.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Nick, Ive learned more from your online YouTube instructions than I learned at an elite East Coast Art School where their teaching philosophy was scant instruction forcing one to MUDDLE THROUGH. Your approach is concise, fact filled and sequentially foot in front of the other...and additionaly you have a WRY/RYE sense of humor which provides needed comic relief as opposed to those who tediously drone on about technical minutiae invariably resulting in...ZZZZ!

Given your excellent YouTubes I signed up for your metering course ...and I AM NOT DISAPPOINTED...same excellent and well organized presentation and despite many years of experience learned concepts I'd never knew existed. To sum up your's like sitting down with an old friend with a good Bourbon Chaser....

Thomas H.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I'm writing to express my gratitude for the breadth and quality of your Precision Metering Class. The class and the lessons learned have made photography fun again...I'm going slower and being more thoughtful about my photography because of the metering system you shared. Sure, I still capture some real clunkers, but I had fun in the process and can figure out how or why I made a mistake. This leads to improvement and more fun...I don't give compliments lightly and want to add my thanks because your course gave me more than I expected and my experience has been that is very rare these days.

Steve M.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

First of all THANK YOU! I binged watch your course in the past two days and it was incredible and helpful for me to get the exposure I wanted. I just developed a roll of 120 film and it is exactly how I wanted it to be. Your class is "spot on" (pun intended)!!! I was kind of familiar with Ansel Adams work but your way of explaining and metering makes way more sense to me visually speaking.

Mathieu C.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just a quick note to say I’m really enjoying your light metering course. Really clear, concise and super helpful. If only I could get my hands on a bloody pentax spot meter!

Joseph T.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just wanted to send you a note regarding the Precision Metering course. I found the course extremely easy to digest and quite educational. Despite my use of a Sekonic meter, I have found it is a spot on process that makes my return to film quite easy. In addition to my film photography, the thought process reminded me of so many understandings simply taken for granted in this day of digital camera wizardry. Thanks for and entertaining and educational experience Nick!

James J.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just finished the course and can't thank you enough for it! I tried your precise technique yesterday and I felt much more confident in using the spotmeter than before. And exposures came out great

Dmytro B.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

You are one hell of a great instructor/teacher, Nick. Your method of combing the classroom lessons with the in the field demos is a great touch. It really brings to light (pun intended) just how the precision metering system works while using your clear examples. I loved it! Your demeanor is so pleasant and down to earth, I never felt like I was in a lecture hall or classroom. Rather I felt as though you were sitting right here with me in my home while we were both enjoying a fine Vintage Port like a ’63 Grahams. I’m an old dog (70yrs Old) and I gotta tell ya, I learned a heck of a lot and you made it so simple to understand, so it seems that 'old dogs can learn new tricks.'

David H.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

So I recently bought a medium format camera in no small part because of following your channel. After struggling a bit with trying to find the best way to meter for it I signed up for your class. I just wanted to let you know that I found your class to be utterly superb. You have a real gift for teaching and breaking down complicated ideas. My biggest criticism is probably that the title is too limiting. I believe this class has a lot of information that would be incredibly valuable to digital photographers as well. All photographers can improve their skills by understanding exposure better and this is by far the clearest explanation of what photographers should be doing and how they should use their equipment that I have come across and I have read Ansel Adams’ books.

Josh F.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I already watched and enjoyed half of the course and....I finally am absolutely sure how to meter my films. You are an amazing teacher and I already tried the precision method with my large format camera and every exporsure was perfect :-) So thank you so much for this course!!!

Tanja G.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I eventually signed up for your light metering course. And I am binge watching since then :) I am up to a third now, and I wanted to let you know that I am really happy with the content so far. I used to be a teacher myself, and I do know how difficult it is to teach in a clear, understandable but not boring way. You do a good job I must say. But what I am really really happy with is the content. Compliments for that...So no questions yet, but only a big thanks.

Aliz V.

Regarding the Adobe Lightroom Online Course:

Well, I just completed the lessons. THEY WERE GREAT! I'm looking at photos I shot a few years back during a trek in Patagonia and I now have the tools to improve those shots dramatically...I feel so much more confident using Lightroom now. My post processing has started to improve dramatically...That course was worth every penny. I know I'll be back to refer to the study guides and videos often.

Jim C.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I’ve just completed your Precision Method for film course and I just wanted to send a quick email to thank you for the awesome content. I’m sure I’ll be revisiting certain videos for reference as I practice in the field, and I’m looking forward to putting this information to use. I learned a ton of great info, and again thanks for putting together a great course, especially one I could attend on line during this pandemic situation.

Paul L.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I recently bought your course on metering, and I just have one word : AWESOME! At long last, I understood what the meters on a camera do, what all the vocabulary around Zone System which I had read and tried to understand meant, and how to transform the simple act of following what the meter or the camera tells you and pressing on the button into a conscious creative act of how to I want that picture to look. So, thank you over and over for your tutorial : you are clear, and everything falls into place!

Pascal F.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just wanted to write and say that I’m REALLY enjoying the course. I purchased a Pentax Digital Spotmeter which arrived the other day - I’m hoping to go out and take some photos on the weekend. While I was waiting for the Pentax spotmeter to show up I practised the precision method using my digital camera and I’m honestly blown away by how confident I’ve become picking my exposure.

Tim C.

Regarding the Adobe Lightroom Online Course:

That was an outstanding class. Whew! I can't get over the amount of material you covered. Your classes certainly never disappoint. Thank you so much!

Sandy W.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I’ve been a teacher for over 23 years and I know that successful teaching and learning comes not only from being a dynamic teacher, but also from a smart and intuitive curriculum design. The way you lay out the course and touch on so many different points in your instruction is a testament to your ability to see learning from the “beginner’s mind” standpoint. That can be really hard to do as one gains more and more experience in a craft. It’s obvious though that you put your course together with the intent of the learner’s needs first and spent a lot of time thinking about what all of those needs would be. As a result you designed a wonderful scaffolding structure to successfully bring the student from point A to point B. My film negatives are so fat with properly exposed tones now that Ansel Adams would be shedding a tear in joy and appreciation. Thanks again for putting together such an excellent course and thank you also for the education and inspiration you continue to provide with your YouTube videos.

Anthony A.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I believe your manual metering course is one of, if not THE best and most comprehensive approaches to this topic.

George W.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just wanted to send you an email to say thank you so much for the wonderful manual metering course you have produced and let you know that I think it really is an excellent course. It's really great to follow, teaches in a method which is easy to understand, fun to listen to and learn from and is really engaging. You're a great teacher.

David H.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Just wanted to say I've just finished your manual metering course and it was fantastic! I've been following your videos on youtube for about a year and was a little hesitant to splash the cash for the course, but I'm so glad I did. It was extremely comprehensive, used really easy-to-understand language and examples, and cleared up so much misinformation that I've come across before. Worth every single penny and more!

James B.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I wanted to send a quick thank you. I just finished your online course for mastering manual metering and I really enjoyed it. I have read the Ansel Adams books (Camera, Neg, Print) and I was left with all these questions about converting the Zone System to color neg and color reversal film, which I shoot primarily. You answered all of them. And your system is so straight-forward and easy to use. Thank you for making sense of it all, and doing it with so much clarity.

Scott K.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I like your style and to date the best and most understandable at conveying the information and learning from it. Years ago I bought Ansel Adams Books in order to learn the Zone System, never could figure it out until your course. It will take some practice, but I feel that I finally have a better grasp of what I am doing.

Pete B.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I spent the last 4 days watching your videos and translating, at the same time, in french to my father. Your class is amazingly complete, it changed my way of seeing film photography. Now the pentax spot meter is ordered, I can't wait to apply this technique and see how my pictures turn out.

Thank you for your hard work and for sharing your passion

Thomas C.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful course. As a poor college student, I was hemming-and-hawing whether the money would be worth it.

You blew me away - every bit of the course was insightful and full of information. After watching, I can't understand why I haven't seen this process anywhere else, and I've been gobbling up tutorials after getting into photography early last year. Your method is simple concept that has huge ramifications for workflow.

Karl R.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I am really enjoying the course. You sense of how long each segment lasts make for easy viewing. You also present topics in a very clear, concise and easy to digest way. So far it is worth every penny.

Joseph T.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I just finished your Mastering Manual Metering course and want to thank you for offering this course and for such a masterful presentation. I'd been doing my own metering "by the seat of my pants" not really knowing WHY I was doing what I did but only doing it because it seemed to make sense to me. Your course made me re-evaluate my methods and gave me an understanding of WHY I should do what you taught me. I will definitely continue to practice but I've already noticed an improvement in my results.

James B.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

I've been applying your method on my recent shoots, and I'm pleased to say the results have been fantastic. I've been using the Pentax digital spot meter with your guides and several different cameras -- Bronica SQ-Ai, Pentax 645 NII, Nikon F3 & Graflex RB 4x5 Super D.

It's great to feel like I have some sense of control and can expose a photograph with deliberate intention, and achieve the desired result on a consistent basis. And thankfully, I can finally break the insecure habit of bracketing every shot just in case I don't nail the exposure.

James T.

Regarding the Master Manual Metering for Film Photography online course:

Been following your youtube for a long time now and picked up film photography again after being hooked on digital for the last 6 years. Can I just say that you blew my mind with the Precision Method. So good my man!! It gives me more confidence with my exposures and helps me previsualize my shots like never before. I hope someday to shake your hand and have a beer.

Hayes P.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

Your online course in one word is genius.

I've read a lot of books and taken online classes, but your online class has taught me more than them all combined. Must have been reading and taking the wrong classes, LOL.

Richie W.

Regarding the Adobe Lightroom Online Course:

Extremely informative, even for an old timer like me...Nick makes this course as enjoyable as can be made. The course is laid out exactly as it should be, everything follows along in a smooth & efficient manner, the instructional videos are just right. Nick’s delivery of the subject matter is…well…think of it like you’re talking with your best friend, he doesn’t make it sound like he’s talking at you, but more like having a conversation with you. This course took my level of expertise to a whole different ballpark! Can’t say enough good things about it!

Mark M.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

Nick Carver is an amazing photographer - that is nothing we don't already know. But different from some other geniuses, he is extremely good on transferring everything he knows to us. He is very helpful, always answering our e-mails and comments. I would say he really cares if you are learning or not and he wants it to happen in the best way!

Danilo C.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

Once again Nick Carver's course was a pleasure and so very informative! Can't wait to sign up for the next one!

Donna K.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This course is priced just right and is very easy to follow. As a beginner photographer, I enjoyed doing the assignments and learned a lot. I look forward to learning even more and enhancing my skills with Nick's other classes!


Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

Loved the course. It answered the "how to" and "why" questions about my DSLR every photographer needs to know to create their own style.

Maurice B.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

The courses are broken down very well, so it's easy and actually fun to do! I thoroughly enjoyed them and will be purchasing more.

Kalyn M.

Regarding the Filters for Nature Photography online course all about camera filters:

This is my third course taken through Nick Carver Photography and it was wonderful. Using the split neutral density filters was challenging at first, but the more I practiced with them, the better I got using them. And the photos I've been able to take are an improvement. The lessons are very clear, the videos add to that knowledge and support the lessons. And Nick is always there to answer any question and give his students support. He has a great heart for his students. This course has helped my photography immensely and I can't say enough good about this course and all of Nick's courses. You will never be disappointed when you take one of his courses and what you learn is invaluable.

Judy J.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I've never had manual metering explained in such a clear, understandable way! This was a fantastic course and I recommend it highly to anyone who wants to learn how to photograph in full manual mode!

C. Starr

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I never thought I would be able to use my camera in full manual when I received it as a gift. All the dials and options overwhelmed me. I had no idea where to start. Nick is a natural teacher and makes the concepts easy to understand, I feel much more confident with my camera and now have the knowledge to shoot in full manual. The assignments are fun and I am already seeing a huge improvement in my photos.


Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

Besides being an accomplished artist, Nick is one of those people that just can flat out teach. I am so glad I took Introduction to DSLR, I will be taking all of the rest of the classes in short order. Because of Nick I now have a really cool hobby.. Exceptional value for your money and highly recommended.

Jon Z.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I've taken two online courses and my photography has improved drastically. The courses are easy to follow and I would highly recommend them to anyone! Can't wait to take the Filters course next!

Lauren S.

Regarding the Macro & Close-Up Photography online course:

I have now taken 2 online courses that Nick has offered and will take 2 more. This course stretched me and also reinforced what I already know. Some of it was challenging, but Nick is there to answer any question I might have and he responds quickly. He answers personally, not some assistant, and I appreciate that. Nick is very knowledgeable,a gifted teacher, and knows how to make the material understandable for everyone. I know that my photographs have improved greatly and I can't wait to learn more, and practice, practice, practice. These courses are special. I highly recommend any of Nick Carvers courses.

Judy J.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I have taken several other courses with a different website. With the Nick Carver approach to Photography, I felt as if I had my own personal Professional expert available at all times. The material was exceptionally easy to follow and to put into use. The critique that Nick provided was explained so that you realized the correct way to get the most from the lesson. I highly recommend Nick Carver Photography to everyone that wants to get the most from their camera!


Bill C.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

Nick teaches in a confident and personable way that is easy to understand. The Basic DSLR Course leaves the student with a solid foundation in the function and operation of a DSLR camera. I Highly Recommend!

Maurice B.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

"How to Shoot in Full Manual" was the second Nick Carver course that I have completed and I am signed up for 3 more. The teaching style is what works for me. The information is clear and very well-organized with great photos illustrating the points, videos to review the written material and fun assignments to anchor the concepts. I have advanced my skills from a point and shoot only to full manual using spot metering. Terrific course...terrific teacher...well worth the investment!

Diane S.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

It was a pleasure working through this course with Nick. The information he covered improved my ability to shoot in complete manual. Now my camera does not know another setting....


Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I did a lot of research when trying to find a online or physical class to take for Photography. What hooked me was your free video presentation. I actually felt comfortable and felt like here is someone I could listen to. I am finally enjoying my camera and not using my AUTO mode at all. I feel that I am using my camera the way it should be use instead of a point and shoot. Now I can justify the cost of my camera. I am looking forward to taking more of your courses.

Julie H.

Regarding the Macro & Close-Up Photography online course:

Nick's classes are great. I love the PDF format for the lessons as well as the videos. His examples are spot on. If a person is just starting out, his programs will be a great progression in learning photography. If you're already into photography, but would like some new perspective and review, this is the place to come. Very enjoyable and great feedback from Nick. These are "can't miss" classes!

Kalena R.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I've taken quite a few photography courses, but this one was incredible! I learned so much, stuff other instructors either did not understand or failed to teach. I now have definite steps to take to get a great photo instead of just guessing. This course gave me the tools to do this and I am so grateful.

Nick gave wonderful instructions and the videos tied it all together. He was very prompt in answering any question and in giving feedback, as well as being very encouraging. I plan on taking more of his online courses.


Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

Many courses can become boring or you can get lost in the swimming hole of terms. I found Nick's course easy to follow, informative and to the point. Nick is a true professional and pleasure to work with, and I will definitely give he and his course an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10! Well done Nick and thanks again! It was a pleasure!


Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I must tell you that this course really opened my eyes! I have been shooting in manual for about 8 years and couldn't figure out why I always had to adjust the exposure in lightroom, you just solved an 8 year puzzle for me!

Wallace C.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

The Intro to DSLR Photography course was very informative and easy to follow. Nick was always quick to respond to emails with very clear answers to any questions I had and suggestions to help improve my photos. I would highly recommend this course!

Kathy M.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I really dig shooting in manual which I can assure you would have never come to fruition if your courses did not exist. Between your passion for the art and your knack for teaching, you have succeeded admirably in putting together curriculums that teach how to think and not just do. Well played sir!

Jason W.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This online course was the best investment I've ever made. The lessons were invaluable and very clear. I highly recommend this course for anyone eager to learn photography.

Anthony T.

I have taken four courses with Nick:

I am glad to say that I have enjoyed every minute of all of them! I wanted to try the Macro & Close-Up Photography course, as macros have always attracted me. I felt that there was something mysterious about them, but was confident that Nick would reveal the "secrets" in his usual easy-to-understand fashion – and I was right! Not only did I quickly start shooting little objects, but I also overcame one of my biggest fears in photography; the intimidating flash! After seeing in one of the videos how Nick nonchalantly placed his off-camera flash, I decided that I could do the same and the first results were not too bad! Very soon I was able to visualize my shots with a flash to one side and a reflector to the other and truly started enjoying my Lilliput Land with still lives and abstracts both.

Now I am impatiently awaiting a new course!

Lee J.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This course is fantastic! I have taken several photography classes in the past and none have been this thorough. Any question I may have had was addressed in the material. With the in-depth explanations of light, ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed it finally came together for me and helped me take a better picture. I will be taking more of Nick's classes!

Micki S.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This course is a fantastic 1st-step into learning about DSLR mechanics and photography. It is easy to apply the course to actual photo sessions in the field. My goal is to learn the basics from Nick's courses with my entry-level Canon gear and then invest in some higher-end equipment after I have mastered the basics. I have no doubt these courses will provide the foundation needed to do just that. Well done Nick!!!

Tom T.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I've taken several classes from Nick and I've never been disappointed. Nick has the ability to distill topics down to the basics and present them in a fun and interesting way. Trust me, if you enjoy photography and you want to get better at it, these courses are your ticket!

Steven B.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

The Introduction to DSLR Photography Online Coarse by Nick Carver was the perfect course to get more familiar with my camera. I have more confidence when I'm using my camera now that I have taken this course. I was able to take it when working a full-time job with the ability to do the assignments at my leisure. The feedback for the assignments were helpful and very prompt. All over worth the money and time!

Kazmiera O.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I loved the How to Shoot in Full Manual course! The lessons are clear and easy to understand. I've gained so much confidence and am much happier with the quality of my photos. And I used to think Manual was intimidating!?! Thank you Nick!

Rebecca E.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

Nick explains the material in a way that is easy to understand. I felt when I was taking the course that he knew exactly how I needed it explained in order for me to get the concept. He teaches the material with several different methods through videos, examples, and diagrams which allows people with different learning styles understand the information. I was able to improve my photographs with the first lesson. I felt overwhelmed and frustrated with my DSLR camera before the class, I now feel in control of the camera and confident that I can continue improving my pictures.

Brooke B.

Regarding the Macro & Close-Up Photography online course about macro photography:

Nick Carver helped me develop my skills as a photographer. I literally knew nothing about photography and today I am a serious amateur photographer having sold some of my work, as well as having had 3 shows. I have taken all of his on line courses, and in spite of trying to find a teacher closer to where I live (Connecticut) he remains my only mentor, coach and friend. I have worked with him on site in Newport California and spent 2 days with him in Death Valley. I am so fortunate to have had him watch my journey, to speak "truth" about my work and to validate me so I can grow. It is my hope that Nick will forever be a part of my life.

Dr. Jeff L.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

Excellent course. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the content and doing the assignments. It was just the right amount of information that I needed at this level. Very well done...clear, concise, well-organized and informative. I especially liked the photos to illustrate the points and appreciated the side by side shots to really clarify points. I have never taken an online course and this was better than expected. The response to the assignments was speedy and the feedback helpful. This was great learning experience!

Diane S.

Regarding the Macro & Close-Up Photography online course about macro photography:

Nick did it again! Like his other courses, this was chock full of information that was immediately useful. The combination of an accessible and well-written text, examples, videos and personal feedback made for a great course experience. I learned a lot! Well done!

Susan D.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I'm not much for words. Great course I learned a ton. Now I just need to practice practice practice.

Dave M.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I took Nick's online courses and love the fact that you can work at your own pace and view videos that reinforce the subject's explained in the pdf lectures. Nick knows how to break down the concepts to novices like myself, yet he does not dumb you down either. I look forward to taking more photographs now and actually understanding what to do with our DSLR camera.


Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I just want to say THANK YOU for all of your help & expertise!!

Rhonda R.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I can't thank you enough for sharing your knowledge through your four courses. I started at zero and now feel like I have the tools to make some great pictures! The courses were accessible but loaded with information, and the personal feedback was invaluable as well as encouraging. Thanks, Nick!

Susan D.

Regarding the Composition for Dramatic Landscape Photography online course:

As with all of Nick Carver's courses, the Composition For Dramatic Landscape course did not disappoint! Nick breaks-down each part of what makes his landscapes unique and explains in detail how he captures his amazing images. He talks about what to look for when composing your photos and gives some great techniques to make your images pop. After taking Nick's other courses as well, I still had many "aha" moments that drove me to get out and practice his instruction. I am amazed at the photos I am producing now, compared to my "attempts" at photography six months ago. I get tons of compliments and I am producing work that I am proud of! Because of Nick Carver's instruction and courses, photography has become a major part of my life! If you would have wanted to learn photography from Ansel Adams or Galen Rowell, you will want Nick Carver to teach you! I HIGHLY recommend the investment!

Jackie S.

Regarding the Filters for Nature Photography online course:

After taking the How to Shoot In Manual class with Nick I decided on trying one of his online classes, Filters for Nature Photography . The course was well worth the investment. The layout of the course was clear, and concise. Everything was easy to grasp and I never felt that something was left to guess work. The notes, picture samples, videos, and exercises brought my knowledge of landscape photography to another level of understanding. Nick is a fantastic instructor, with a wealth of knowledge.

Danny H.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I really enjoyed the Intro to DSLR course you have online. I expected it to be a summary of everything else I had already picked up from friends and family but was pleasantly surprised! I agree with what I've read from others, Nick, you have a very clear way of explaining things in simple language. You give us the techy stuff too, which I love, but for the most, it's simple, clear, concise, easy to read and was fun to challenge myself at the end of each lesson. Also, the feedback I got was fantastic! Nick spotted "Easter Eggs" in my photos that I missed, proving that he definitely takes the time to really look at and evaluate the assignments. Thanks so much for the knowledge upload, Nick

Lisa C.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

This course delivers on its promise - to help you become confident with using the Manual Mode in your photography. I would actually add that the course will also help you become comfortable and competent with Manual Mode photography. Want to become comfortable, confident, and competent using Manual Mode? Take this course! It is worth the investment if you want to benefit from all your camera can deliver.

Gordon S.

Regarding the Composition for Dramatic Landscape Photography online course:

The composition course is the second online course I've taken from Nick (I also took the Introduction to DSLR Photography course). At first I hesitated to take an online course, but I am really glad I did. If you look at his work, you can see that Nick is a master at creating dramatic and beautiful photographs of landscapes. Building on his expertise, the quality of this course is excellent! The material is comprehensive and written in an accessible way. The photos with explanations are very helpful, and the format made it possible for me to work on the course as I had time. Doing the assignments really cemented my understanding of different concepts, and I found the individualized feedback I received from Nick on the images I emailed him especially helpful and encouraging.

Susan D.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I stumbled upon this course online and what a find! Nick's teaching style is very clear, well illustrated and easy to understand. His feedback was great and he responded to my questions quickly. I've learnt in leaps and bounds. Thank you Nick!

Rebecca E.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

In high school and college I took photogrpahy courses using an old film camera, so when I began this class I thought I was already well informed. However, it soon became clear what I had picked up was the tip of the iceberg. Nick's class was a great way to deepen my understanding of the principles of photography beyond what my previous classes had taught me. In particularly helpful was his metering system. I am looking forward to taking more of this classes online.

Wes T.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I am amazed at the improvement in my photos after taking this class from Nick Carver. I learned so much about all my camera settings, even ones I never knew were available. His lesson material is very easy to understand and apply. The professional quality videos enhance understanding of the material beautifully. Lesson assignments are especially valuable, and Nick's evaluations are meaningful and helpful. I am so excited about what I have learned, I will take all his other online classes.


Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This class is essential for anyone wanting to learn the basics of photography. The knowledge that I gained from taking this course is priceless! Nick knows his stuff and teaches it in a way that is easy to understand.

Danielle P.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This was a great course! It covered all the basics at just the right level. The combination of text, diagrams, video and examples really made it easy to understand the concepts. And Nick's quick, clear and positive feedback on assignments was terrific. I highly recommend the course!

Susan D.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I went into this course knowing very little about my E-Volt 500, in someways it was controlling me. Upon completion of this course I now control all aspects of my E-Volt 500. I recommend this course highly and can guarantee that Nick will be there from start to finish. Thanks Nick

Jerry F.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

I found this course by accident from an online search for photography classes in my area. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an online photography course. I learned more from this course than other courses I took at a local community college. Nick is very approachable and professional; he gives helpful and honest feedback to course assignments. The information in the lessons is clear and easy to understand. Thanks Nick.


I was inspired by Nick Carver's photos, and I was fascinated that he was self taught. As a new photographer, I decided to take Nick's Intro to DSLR Photography Course to become more comfortable with my new camera. Nick has the ability to teach someone who has never touched anything more than a point and shoot, and turn them into a budding photographer! He has a way of teaching the basics so they become second nature and helps to find that eye for light! I see a huge difference in my photos and I know I created them... not the auto features on my camera! I look forward to learning more from Nick!

Jackie S.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course on photography basics:

This course is very interactive. I love the way you are always speaking with the student as if he were in front of you and I love the fact that you are always "asking yourself" questions about the logic of what it is being explained... Most of the time I was myself wondering about some aspects of the course and you were already expressing that doubt yourself. I guess this comes from a lot of teaching experience and the habit of listening always about the most charateristic learning difficulties of your students...

I like also the fact that you don't mind repeating yourself again and again on the most important concepts. I truly believe that repetition is one of the great tools for teaching. Patience is also a great aspect of the learning experience with your method. I like the way you always stop us from rushing ahead... There is a sequence to follow in your explanations and you ask us to wait until the time comes to go into further details once we are ready. I would say that these classes offer the three main qualities of a teaching experience: "Sequence, frequency and patience" Thanks!

Philippe B.

Nick Carver's online courses are well worth the investment, his instructions are written and illustrated with the intent of really teaching his students the fundamentals without filling pages with technical garb. His courses are fun, and challenging but easy to grasp. The communication with each assignment is excellent, constructive and you are never left not understanding something. After his How to Shoot in Full Manual course, I finally feel like I really understand how to use my camera and am able to take the shots I want. Excellent course, would recommend to anyone interested in photography!

Stacey H.

Regarding the Composition for Dramatic Landscape Photography online course:

Words are great but actions are better. The fact that you have a lot of students attending your lessons and taking your online courses is proof of their, and my, belief in your extraordinary talent as a photographer and awesome ability to teach photography.

Julian F.

Nick Carver's Introduction to DSLR Photography course is a very good course for beginners who are brand new to photography and want or need to learn the basic essentials needed for taking good photographs. This course is a good starting point not only for people who need to utilize photography in a job, but for people who are interested in taking up photography as a hobby. This course is also a good segue into other classes that Nick Carver offers that build on the basics taught in Nick Carver's Introduction to DSLR Photography class.

Ryken J.

I have taken two of Nick's online courses and I am thrilled with what I have learned so far. I am a novice and Nick has a great teaching style - his courses are easy to understand and he gives tons of examples and resources. Nick's courses are well worth the money and he is always available to answer questions; he takes a genuine interest in your progress.

Terri T.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

The "Shooting in Manual Mode" greatly exceeded my expectations. I feel as though I now have a solid foundation for managing ISO/Aperture/Shutter speed and most importantly metering light to set the exposure. (A topic I was not even aware of prior to this class).

This class has removed much of the mystery of "what happened?" when I would review images after a shoot. This class has also helped me understand commentary I hear from professional photographers in articles and other online training.

For someone looking for a comprehensive photography course, this is a great place to start.

Todd S.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual and Filters for Nature Photography online courses:

I am a physician practicing in Iowa. I started with bird photography. I thought I had the hang of it. Until I took up landscapes. I went through the gear acquisition syndrome including buying a full set of lee filters (6 stops). It still took me 20 exposures to get 75% of the scene right. Completely frustrated, I decided to stop photography until I understood what it was all about. I came across [Nick Carver's online courses] during a google search. They are quite fantastic. I feel my technique is better thanks to the brilliant yet uncomplicated explanations. I would love to take private lessons when I do get the time.

Dr. Ramarao P.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course:

Nick Carver not only has a firm grasp on the subject of photography, he also has an excellent understanding of how people learn. His online courses are designed to insure that all types of learners--visual, kinesthetic,and auditory--walk away with an improved understanding of photography and how to implement what they've learned. Nick isn't my first photography teacher but he is the only one who actually taught me how to take better photos. In his course the lights turned on for me and my pictures will never be the same. Thanks Nick!

Shannon P.

Regarding the How to Shoot in Full Manual online course all about using manual mode:

I took an on-line course last year [not by Nick Carver] which cost me a fortune and did nothing but make me angry! It was frustrating, pompous and I learned very little! For each chapter, I had to go out and buy books to try to understand what they were trying to say!

So, I decided to try Nick Carver's method, and I felt that my "photo eyes" had been opened for the first time! "Is that how you meter - how simple, and why didn't anybody tell me!?" I was so fascinated that I read all the material and watched the videos in one day. Everything was explained in a manner that I could immediately grasp. I literally began shooting in Manual and metering as per Nick's instructions within minutes. I have not become Ansel Adams overnight, but I do shoot in manual 90% of the time and it has become very second nature.

Nick is very professional, a great teacher and it does not hurt that he is very helpful and pleasant to work with. I have already started his course on Filters and plan on signing up for the course on Composition. I would recommend his courses in a heartbeat!

Click here to view an image taken by this student in full manual mode after completing the course.

L. Jorgensen

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course:

I'm using the Sony Nex-5N. I of course realize it's mirrorless, but the lessons are very applicable. I bought a huge book written JUST for the NEX, but had already learned more in the first 3 lessons [of your online course]. I especially appreciate the combination reading/video/practical application. Getting it into my brain through 3 modalities is proving very effective for me. It's interesting how even after a couple days, I am beginning to see things in and around the house differently. [Enrolling in your course] was a good move and I'm reasonably sure I will be purchasing the rest of the courses after this. Should have bought the bundle, but experience has shown me I either don't commit or the material is less than expected. Neither has been the case this time. Thanks.

Steve V.

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course:

This is the most informative and user friendly photography course that I have ever taken. Thank you again!!

A. Macy

I'm very pleased with the Composition for Dramatic Landscapes online course. Can't beat the quality of instructional materials as well as expertise provided for the price. The class materials were thorough, the abundant examples spot on, video reinforcement was perfect for us visual folks. Individual feedback was very helpful with improving my composition and technique. AND, the ability to work at my own pace was icing on the cake!

See a sample of Dottie's work here.

Dottie D.

My experience with Nick has helped me to believe in my skills and has in a short period of time given me the confidence to experiment and trust myself. He is such a gentle teacher and has instilled in me the belief I can take good shots. I have taken 2 on-line courses (Introduction to DSLR Photography and Compositon for Dramatic Landscapes) and only wish I lived in California where I could study with him more closely. He is a superb teacher!

Dr. Levine went on to complete the How to Shoot in Full Manual course and the Filters for Nature Photography course. He had the following to say about those 2 courses. You can also view a sample of Dr. Levine's images after completing the online courses here.

How to Shoot in Full Manual
Nick provided me with the confidence and technical skills to advance in my photography. He is an amazing teacher and my skills have advanced to the point that others have requested the pictures that I have taken. I only wish there were more courses for me to take.

Filters for Nature Photography
The quality of my pictures has improved significantly with the skills learned in this course. The technical knowledge and application of how to use filters has helped me create dramatic photographs. The course has been extremely influential in being able to take great landscape photographs!

Dr. J. Levine

I took classes for 35mm photography years ago. Picking up the hobby again with digital equipment was proving to be somewhat familiar but with plenty of challenges. Nick's Composition for Dramatic Landscapes online course was an excellent refresher of some of some of the basic concepts I remember, but offered much more detailed instruction, explanation, and practice material than I'd had before. The combination of technical instruction along with the artistic concepts was exactly what I needed to take my renewed interest in photography back out into the world again, and to get really excited about shooting again. I still refer to my notes from this course, and I'm getting some shots I'm really happy with!

Holly E.

When I first started photography, I was very overwhelmed with all the information in the web, blogs, etc. They give you a lot of information that's very complex and sometimes not easy to understand. After a lot research, I still had a lot of questions in my head, but finally I found Nick's website by accident and I was fascinated with the wonderful pictures of the oceans, mountains, hills, etc. To be honest, I viewed the photos again and again. I also found his helpful tips and finally I decided to take the Introduction to DSLR Photography online course. Now I can see a huge difference in my photos from looking very simple and dark before to now looking more interesting and dramatic. There is so much to learn, but I feel proud of myself for what I had done and also lucky to have found Nick Carver's website. I highly recommend this course.

Ivan H.

My friend Joe and I have taken 2 different classes from Nick - a Sunset in Crystal Cove Workshop and most recently one of his new online courses - Introduction to DSLR Photography . Nick is friendly, talented, and down to earth. His online course included not only written information, but videos as well that were quite informative. The information provided is helpful during the courses and even years after a course. I can't speak highly enough of his teaching abilities - you'd be missing out if you didn't sign up for one of his courses! Looking forward to the Landscape class in Irvine starting at the end of the month!!

J. Travis

Regarding the Introduction to DSLR Photography , How to Shoot in Full Manual and Filters for Nature Photography courses:

The material is presented in a format that is easy to understand. I was able to quickly apply what I learned and enjoyed immediate improvement.

Todd K.

Last year I took Nick Carver's Manual Exposure Class at Shutterstories in Riverside. While just a three hour class, I learned so much about manual exposure and filtration that I have definitely improved the quality of my photos. I did get a modest set of filters, using Nick's suggestions for doing it inexpensively, and have solved one of my problems in shooting. Namely, getting the proper exposure for low light and highlight areas together. Before, I was either blown out or black on portions of the image. Using Nick's techniques for manual exposure will dramatically improve your pictures. I am now taking his online course for composition and enjoying that also.

Nick V.

I first took Nick's Landscape Photography class which is jam packed full of information. Soon after that I started taking private lessons to learn to gain control of my camera. In a short period of time, with Nick's help, I went from auto to full manual control. My snapshots became photographs that actually resembled the landscape that I was seeing. From that moment on, I was hooked! Nick awakened in me a passion for landscape photography. I absolutely love it! Nick has taught me everything from manual exposure to setting up Lightroom. Nick is an excellent teacher. He is very laid back and not intimidating. He has an abundance of knowledge and experience which he is very gracious in sharing. I feel very fortunate to be a student of Nick's. He is an amazing talent and person. I have two of his fine art pieces in my home...they and he inspire me.

See a sample of Kim's work here. View her website at

Kim M.

Nick's workshops are awesome! He has a true gift for teaching the photographer how to see the world from a different, more powerful perspective. Nick is fun, laid-back and incredibly gifted in both technical proficiency and creative composition.

Jennifer I.

Nick has a vast knowledge of photography techniques. More importantly, he has the ability to communicate those ideas to others. His workshops have totally changed the way I approach photography...for the better. Anyone who is seriously interested in improving the quality of their photographs should sign up now.

Charles L.


You are an amazing teacher, photographer and person! I am so lucky to have found you, your teaching made it possible for me to live my dream as a glamour photographer. I am so grateful to know you.

Keesha L.

Less than a year ago I came to Nick with a vision and a question:

I want to become a youth sports photographer, how do I do it? 2 weeks ago I had my first big "sell day". It was very successful and parents were delighted with my photographs of their children. Again this was accomplished in under one year. Prior to meeting Nick I had signed up for an eight-week workshop with a local pro photographer and for an intro class at my community college. Both classes had 2 things in common:

1. They were terribly boring.

2. Even though I (and everyone else in the class) had signed up for an intro class, the teacher did not start with the basics, practical definitions of aperture, shutter speed, iso, exposure, white balance, etc… Without knowing how these work in relation to each other first it's pointless to talk about anything else in photography.

Nick took me from lucky shots taken with my camera dialed onto the little sports guy to using pro equipment with settings manipulated by me with a specific purpose in mind, and actually knowing what and how I'm doing it. It doesn't matter what area of photography you have a question in, he's got the answer and in the off chance he doesn't, he'll find out and let you know next time. It's difficult to describe how much I've learned from our sessions, it may sound corny but what I've learned from Nick has actually changed my life. I can earn a living from what I absolutely love to do. Thanks Nick!

Shelley S.